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Reunion Recap

Reunion Recap

Hey Connexpedition members and families: Thanks for attending the reunion and an even bigger thank you to the families and guests in attendance. This is the first time we’ve tried this reunion format with the potluck, raffle, games, and photobooth, so we appreciate any feedback you have to make this event even better.

If you have any photos from the event you'd like to share with other members and families, you may upload them at this link: Photo booth photos and any uploaded photos may be viewed and downloaded here:

If you’re looking for the Connexpedition 2018 member video mashup, here’s a link.

As our director Meichih Tsai said today, the Connexpedition program is expanding even bigger and will be transforming a lot in the coming years. We cannot wait to release summer 2019 program details. If you’re thinking about joining our Connexpedition family, now’s the best time - sign up for our mailing list on our website to be the first to know about next summer’s trips. If you are already a part of our Connexpedition family, we welcome you back with open arms and cannot wait to see how your previous Connexpedition experience can make our service teams even stronger.

In the meantime, our Connexpedition 2018 New Taipei City members will be beginning their online classes soon with the students they taught in the summer. This continued mentorship strongly motivates these students as they are eager to see their “big brother and sisters” (大哥哥和姐姐) again.

Learn more about Connexpedition here and feel free to contact us with any questions.