Connexpedition 2019 Application Update

Connexpedition 2019 Application Update

Thank you for your interest in Connexpedition 2019! We have been overwhelmed by the number of applicants this early into the application period and we are sincerely humbled by your support of and interest in our 2019 service trips.

As originally stated in our application packet, we have a total of seven meeting times. The second meeting (March 16th to the 17th) was earmarked for an overnight training, or Leadership Development Weekend. Due to the overwhelming amount of applicants, we now plan to extend acceptances to a greater than anticipated number of participants. This means the original venue we chose for the overnight training is unable to accommodate the new number of participants.

What does this mean for you? If you have read this far and you are unsure about what we are talking about, then you have nothing to worry about. Just go to the Application Procedures page to begin your application.

If you have already seen our application packet, please review the new version with the updated training dates on the Application Procedures page. The March 16th-17th weekend is now a single training date on March 17th. This means the $150 cost is no longer necessary. Because we have not yet collected this fee, a refund will be unnecessary if you have already applied.

Please contact us if you have any questions by emailing We look forward to reviewing everyone’s applications!