Connexpedition 2020: Apply Today!

Join a hundred other high school students for an opportunity of a lifetime as you work together to make English-learning fun and exciting for the children of Taiwan.

Connexpedition was initiated by Wisdom Culture and Education Organization in 2011. In the last decade, our program that started with two small volunteer teams of ten has now grown into a community of over 400 volunteers! This year we're excited to host another year of service trips to Taiwan and we hope you can join us on this incredible journey.

Next summer, we will offer service opportunities in New Taipei City and Yilan County. Participants will be assigned to one of eight different schools in these regions and teach classes of about 10-20 students in a two-week English summer camp. On weekends, our staff will plan exciting and unique itineraries for participants to experience the vibrant culture and lifestyle of Taiwan.

Applications are open now through January 24, 2020.

Visit to get started. Feel free to share this information with any friends or family who may be interested. If you have any questions, email us at or connect with us on social media. We look forward to seeing your application!


Thank You For Applying!


Connexpedition 2019 Video Mashup