Coronavirus Update | March 11, 2020

The health and well-being of our members and families will always guide our decision making. We have been closely monitoring the COVID-19 coronavirus situation. Although there is no guidance from government public health agencies that limits gatherings of less than 1,000 people, recent actions by various local organizations, universities, and workplaces have amplified concerns in our community. We have decided to make the following changes to Connexpedition training:

  • Sunday, March 22, 2020: Training and parent's information session canceled The training session that was originally planned for Sunday the 22nd will be moved to an online format. The parent's information session will also be moved to a later date (see below). Members will still need to complete Homework Assignment 1. Members must attend one of eight two-hour time slots on Saturday, March 21st and Sunday, March 22nd to demonstrate their lesson plan. Updated instructions will be sent to members in an email with the subject "Update to Homework Assignment 1."

  • March 29, 2020: Training canceled We will no longer meet in person on Sunday the 29th. To make up for the lost time, we will extend the hours of the training planned for Sunday, May 17th.

  • March 30, 2020: Second round of decision emails Our staff will finalize our volunteer roster on the 30th based on each member's performance during their lesson demonstration on March 21 and 22. Members that possess the necessary skills to teach English in Taiwan will receive an email with next steps.

  • April 4, 2020: Parent's information session will be held via web conference We are planning to host the information session for parents during the evening of Saturday, April 4th. This information session will also be recorded if you are unable to attend. More details will be provided at the end of March.

  • April 5, 2020: Decision to continue in-person training sessions A decision will be made on April 5th whether to continue our in-person training sessions based on the latest COVID-19 information at that time.

Please do not hesitate to email us at if you have any questions or concerns. As a reminder, please continue to practice healthy habits at home and follow guidance from government public health agencies:

Thank you for your continued flexibility and patience as we work to mitigate the impact to our program.


Online Training During Social Distancing


Suspension of Program in Seattle