News From Our Community: Thanks for attending our college majors & careers workshop!

Thank you so much for spending your Sunday afternoon with us yesterday! We discussed topics ranging from choosing majors and changing majors to studying abroad and securing a job after graduation. We hope you learned a lot from our Connexpedition alumni, about the various majors you have to choose from, and are reassured that there is still plenty of time for you to explore and figure out what you want to do in life.

Thank you to our panelists for sharing their experiences with us! Please do not hesitate to reach out to any of the panel members if you have any further questions. Also, keep an eye out for the third and final part of our college workshop series at the end of March.

This event was made possible by you, the members of our community! All Connexpedition members past and present are invited to our exclusive community events created and hosted by Connexpedition members.


News From Our Community: Choosing a College Workshop


Happy Lunar New Year!