Connexpedition 2021 - An Update Regarding This Summer

After many discussions and meetings with NTPC, we have decided that this summer’s service trip to Taiwan will proceed if Taiwan’s border remains open. If the COVID-19 situation takes a turn for the worse and Taiwan closes its borders, then we will unfortunately have to cancel the trip again.

Please read the email we just delivered for more specifics. The below is only an outline of the recent update!

You must be able to enter Taiwan to participate in our service trip/Connexpedition 2021.
If you are unable to travel to Taiwan under the current entry restrictions, you will be unable to join this summer’s service trip.

There will be no in-person training sessions in the United States.
Training will be condensed into two or three full-day sessions in Taoyuan, Taiwan (tentative location) beginning on June 30th. Your final day of quarantine must be on June 29th, so plan your air travel accordingly to arrive in Taiwan no later than June 15th for a 14-day quarantine.

You must provide your own quarantine accommodations.
Once you enter Taiwan, you will be responsible for your own quarantine accommodations. Please plan for at minimum fourteen days of quarantine. Note that the day you land at the airport does not count as day one of quarantine.

Get the vaccine as soon as you are eligible.
All our staff based in the United States will receive the vaccine and members eligible for the vaccine will be required to get it. We also highly encourage eligible family members to get the vaccine as well.

Alternate volunteer opportunities are available.
If you are unable to travel with us to Taiwan or decide not to participate in Connexpedition 2021, we have alternative opportunities available for you at our summer camps in the San Francisco Bay Area or online. You will have priority access to these opportunities.

If you have any questions, you can always reach us via email. If you prefer, we can also arrange time for our staff to guide you through this information so you can make a more informed decision.