Welcome Home - Connexpedition 2022

Welcome Home - Connexpedition 2022

To our Connexpedition 2022 members: Welcome home! After pausing our program for the last two years, this summer also began to seem like a reach in May when COVID cases started rising again in Taiwan. Against all odds, and because of your hard work and determination, we were still able to host a very successful NTPC Easy Leap English language summer camp for the very last time.

Your positive attitude and herculean efforts to make your online classes as engaging as possible resulted in overwhelmingly positive feedback from your students and their parents. Your commitment to the training program helped us all be more prepared for the 17 days in Taiwan. And of course, we must also express our gratitude to your parents and family members for supporting you the whole way.

We hope you all made the most amazing memories this summer. A few of these memories are enshrined forever in our online photo gallery and Stephanie 老師 recently uploaded a few videos onto our YouTube channel. Continue to keep in touch with your new friends and teammates. We'll host a reunion in October to celebrate this summer one more time.

In the meantime, please review the latest email that was sent to you to confirm your information for the President’s Volunteer Service Award. See you in the fall! If you have any questions, email us at connexpedition@wceo.org!


Connexpedition 2023: Apply Today!


Now Recruiting for the Continuation of our 2021 Program